“At 9:30, is your next chance to win Justin Bieber tickets for December 21st. Keep listening to 98.7 AMP radio.” In second hour, Mr. Johnson lets us listen to the radio while we do our artwork. On this particular day, the guy at 98.7 had just announced the next chance for tickets to Justin Bieber's concert. I had been trying to get tickets for days and out of the hundreds of times I had called, I got through a total of 4 times. All 4 times, unfortunately I was never the 98th caller. When I heard they were giving away tickets at 9:30, I silently tried to figure out a plan. I decided I would just hide my phone in my sleeve and call in 3rd hour. Ally and Olivia both agreed this would be a good plan, until we thought of one minor detail. What if I did get through? How was I supposed to talk on the phone in Mrs. Bergeski's without her noticing? And what if I won the tickets? I would start screaming and I'm almost positive Mrs. Bergeski would not appreciate such a distraction during her class. Well, I guess I could call at lunch I thought, maybe they will be nice and give me tickets?! Yeah not the case.
I was distracted until the lunch bell rang and Olivia and I literally sprinted to the bathroom. We locked ourselves in stalls right next to each other. We both called. And called. And called, until we decided it was useless and gave up. I resisted the urge to call during the rest of the day, well at least I didn't call again until the end of 6th hour. In 6th hour, we had a sub and he was giving us free time. So I sneakily snuck my phone out of my pocket and put it into my sleeve. Again I called, and called and called. I couldn't believe it. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the line was busy. Like honestly, how many people call during their 6th hour? I decided to give it a break. After school, I texted Ally and told her about how much I wanted these tickets. She decided to try for tickets too. After a full day of calling the radio station I fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow. As soon as we got to school, Olivia, Ally and I pulled out our phones and called. I got through once and they said I would have to wait. Well I told the guy that I was about to go to class and he just said “oh well.” How rude I thought and hung up. I was aggravated and I just went to class and decided not to call anymore during the school.
That night, I was listening to the radio, trying to figure out when the next time to call was and then the radio announced they had gotten the 98th caller. Wow! The lady that won tickets sounded so familiar but I couldn't figure out who it was. The lady who was talking said that she wanted tickets for her daughter, Ally. Then they told her she had just won 2 tickets! After they told Ally's mom that she had just won tickets, I heard a loud scream in the background! I realized it WAS Ally! She called me right away to tell me her good news! For a few minutes we talked and Ohmygoshed over her going to see Justin Bieber!
A few days later, Ally texted me and she said “hey i have something to tell you.” I asked her what it was and she replied “oh its just about a famous boy and some paper!” Then she told me that she wanted me to come to the concert with her! I literally couldn't talk- I was just so excited! I asked my mom if I could go, and thankfully she said yes! In 10 days, me and Ally will be at Justin Bieber's concert! Our plan is to get there early and push our way up to the front row and get as close as possible to JB and the stage! In 10 days at 7:00 p.m., we will be singing along to “One Less Lonely Girl” and “One Time” and staring at his beautiful face! Ahhh I can't wait!!!