I think the Aborigines in Australia had the best life out of all four scenarios. I think this because there is the least acts of violence done against the Aborigines. The prejudice against aborigines mainly consisted of segregating the Aborigines from the white settlers. The Europeans built a along fence, enclosing the Aborigines in a small portion of land. The Aborigines were not murdered like those in Rwanda nor were they forced to live on tiny reservations like the Native Americans in North America.
The Aborigines, although they were fenced in, were able to live their normal lives. They were still able to practice their religion and keep their traditions alive. The term Aborigine means first, or earliest know. Indigenous. They have been peacefully living in Australia for thousands of years. They lived day by day and personally I think this would be less stressful then current life in America. Today, we keep schedules and we plan ahead for almost everything we do. I think it would be an interesting experience living like an Aborigine.