Friday, February 5, 2010

Kidnapping in Haiti?

The Baptists in Haiti were not trying to help the children, instead they were trying to hurt them.

Ten Americans from the Baptist Church charity, New Life Children's refuge are being charged for the abduction of 33 Haitian children from Haiti. "This is abduction, not an adoption" says Haitian Social Affairs Minister Yves Christallin. The leader of this church group, insists that they were just trying to do the right thing but thats not the way the rest of the world saw it. From the perpesective of America, it seems like they were selling these children into trafficking. This group was arrested while on a bus filled with children. These children were between the ages of 2 months and 12 years. They were being taken, across the boarder without the proper paperwork.

Child trafficking is a growing problem within Haiti. It has always been a problem but has been increasing rapidly. The Baptist charities plan was to bring 100 children to a resort orphanage . Although they say they were going to an orphanage, some of these children were not even orphans, they still had a living parent. I think that they were going to sell some of these children into trafficking. Maybe not all of them, but at least some. This group is an embarrassment to the United States since this isn't a sitiuation that Americans would normally take part in.

Others however, think that the New Life Children's Refuge was only trying to help the Haitian children. They
say that the improper paper work was an honest, careless mistake. The people that believe this think that the Baptist ministry was just trying to help and do their part in helping Haiti. I however, think they were just taking advantage of these Haitian children.

For more info:

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