The oil spill has been so horrible for our environment. What most people don't realize is that an oil spill like that doesn't only affect the ocean environment but it also affects our country. It has affect several species of animals and it is not fair. The BP oil company did not take the proper safety precautions and therefore, their one tiny mistake has affected several different species of animals. For example, whales, fish and birds such as sea gulls are hurt by BP's bad desision. The feathers of sea gulls and pelicans are so full of oil that it is prohibiting them from flying. The affect it has on our country is the fact that it could possibly harm people who live in the south. It will hurt their fishing industry as well as be a health hazard. In the future, I believe we should keep drilling oil because our economy is so dependant on it but we really change our standards of how we drill it. Safety precautions should always be taken and before a new site is drilled there should be not one but two emergency situation plans so in the future if something happens we can clean it up quickly instead of waiting around like this oil spill. Currently, BP is pumping dense mud into the oil wells, trying to plug it up according to http://http//www.newser.com/story/90332/bp-resumes-top-kill.html.